Looking back at some weddings we have captured last year, we stumbled upon the wedding of Steeve and Chris. At first, this wedding feels like it only happened yesterday. But when we’re looking at the welcome board, holy molly…it was almost a year ago! Dude…is it for real? How in the world time flies so very fast?!
Scrolling on their wedding photos, they recall some fun moments for us, especially those related to the bridal party. They were literally the most hillarious human beings we’ve met so far. Hahaha…
For those of you who are still in the midst of wedding planning process, Steeve and Chris’ wedding might give you some inspiration. Especially if you’re wedding will be held on rainy season. You certainly can steal some inspo here, from their marquee decor down to the simple yet chic white and green centerpieces. Go check out the whole photos!
Captured by Aditya Mahatva Yodha
Wedding Planner by Villa Sanctuary